@article{7368, author = {D. Douai and A. Lyssoivan and V. Philipps and V. Rohde and T. Wauters and T. Blackman and V. Bobkov and S. Bremond and S. Brezinsek and F. Clairet and E. De La Cal and T. Coyne and E. Gauthier and T. Gerbaud and M. Graham and S. Jachmich and E. Joffrin and R. Koch and A. Kreter and R. Laengner and P. U. Lamalle and E. Lerche and G. Lombard and M. Maslov and M. L. Mayoral and A. Miller and I. Monakhov and J. M. Noterdaeme and J. Ongena and M. K. Paul and B. Pegourie and R.A. Pitts and V. Plyusnin and F. C. Schüller and G. Sergienko and M. Shimada and A. Sirinelli and W. Suttrop and C. Sozzi and M. Tsalas and E. Tsitrone and B. Unterberg and D. Van Eester}, title = {Recent results on Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning in mid and large size tokamaks}, abstract = {Wall conditioning techniques applicable in the presence of permanent toroidal magnetic field will be required for the operation of ITER, in particular for recovery from disruptions, vent and air leak, isotopic ratio control, recycling control and mitigation of the tritium inventory build-up. Ion Cyclotron Wall Conditioning (ICWC) is one of the most promising options and has been the subject of considerable recent study on current tokamaks. This paper reports on the findings of such studies performed on European tokamaks, covering a range of plasma-facing materials: TORE SUPRA, TEXTOR, ASDEX Upgrade and JET. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. }, year = {2011}, journal = {Journal of Nuclear Materials}, volume = {415}, number = {1}, pages = {S1021-S1028}, month = {Aug}, isbn = {0022-3115}, doi = {10.1016/j.jnucmat.2010.11.083}, note = {ISI Document Delivery No.: 862XTTimes Cited: 5Cited Reference Count: 1819th International Conference on Plasma-Surface Interactions in Controlled Fusion Devices (PSI)MAY 24-28, 2010San Diego, CALawrence Livermore Natl LabS}, language = {English}, }