@proceedings{7513, author = {A. J. H. Donne and A. Bogomolov and J. E. Boom and I.G.J. Classen and B. J. Tobias and Luhmann Jr., N.C. and C.W. Domier and G. S. Yun and W. Lee and C. Luo and H. K. Park}, title = {Visualization of instabilities in hot magnetized plasmas by ECE Imaging}, abstract = {Electron cyclotron emission radiometry is a standard technique on most magnetically confined plasmas to measure the electron temperature profile, usually along the plasma mid plane. By combining heterodyne radiometry with optical imaging techniques it is possible to measure the electron temperature and fluctuations in this quantity in a two-dimensional section of the poloidal plasma plane.}, year = {2012}, journal = {2012 Abstracts IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS)}, pages = {7C-7}, address = {Edinburgh, UK}, doi = {10.1109/PLASMA.2012.6384081}, language = {eng}, }