@article{7582, author = {E. Lerche and D. Van Eester and T. J. Johnson and T. Hellsten and J. Ongena and M. L. Mayoral and D. Frigione and C. Sozzi and G. Calabro and M. Lennholm and P. Beaumont and T. Blackman and D. Brennan and A. Brett and M. Cecconello and I. Coffey and A. Coyne and K. Crombe and A. Czarnecka and R. Felton and C. Giroud and G. Gorini and C. Hellesen and P. Jacquet and V. Kiptily and S. Knipe and A. Krasilnikov and M. Maslov and I. Monakhov and C. Noble and M. Nocente and L. Pangioni and I. Proverbio and G. Sergienko and M. Stamp and W. Studholme and M. Tardocchi and V. Vdovin and T. Versloot and I. Voitsekhovitch and A. Whitehurst and E. Wooldridge and V. Zoita and JET-EFDA Contributors}, title = {Experimental investigation of ion cyclotron range of frequencies heating scenarios for ITER's half-field hydrogen phase performed in JET}, abstract = {Two ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) heating schemes proposed for the half-field operation phase of ITER in hydrogen plasmas—fundamental H majority and second harmonic 3 He ICRF heating—were recently investigated in JET. Although the same magnetic field and RF frequencies ( f ≈ 42 MHz and f  ≈ 52 MHz, respectively) were used, the density and particularly the plasma temperature were lower than those expected in the initial phase of ITER. Unlike for the well-performing H minority heating scheme to be used in 4 He plasmas, modest heating efficiencies ( η = P absorbed / P launched }, year = {2012}, journal = {Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion}, volume = {54}, number = {7}, pages = {074008}, url = {http://stacks.iop.org/0741-3335/54/i=7/a=074008}, doi = {10.1088/0741-3335/54/7/074008}, language = {eng}, }