@article{7964, author = {G. M. D. Hogeweij and V. Leonov and J. Schweinzer and A.C.C. Sips and C. Angioni and G. Calabro and R. Dux and A. Kallenbach and E. Lerche and C. Maggi and T. Putterich and ITPA Integrated Operating Scenarios topical group and ASDEX Upgrade Team and JET Contributors}, title = {Impact of W on scenario simulations for ITER}, abstract = {In preparation of ITER operation, large machines have replaced their wall and divertor material to W (ASDEX Upgrade) or a combination of Be for the wall and W for the divertor (JET). Operation in these machines has shown that the influx of W can have a significant impact on the discharge evolution, which has made modelling of this impact for ITER an urgent task. This paper reports on such modelling efforts. Maximum tolerable W concentrations have been determined for various scenarios, both for the current ramp-up and flat-top phase. Results of two independent methods are presented, based on the codes ZIMPUR plus ASTRA and CRONOS, respectively. Both methods have been tested and benchmarked against ITER-like I p RU experiments at JET. It is found that W significantly disturbs the discharge evolution when the W concentration approaches ∼10 −4 ; this critical level varies somewhat between scenarios.}, year = {2015}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, volume = {55}, pages = {063031}, doi = {10.1088/0029-5515/55/6/063031}, language = {eng}, }