@article{7981, author = {G.P. Canal and T. Lunt and H. Reimerdes and B. P. Duval and B. Labit and W. A. J. Vijvers and TCV team}, title = {Enhanced -->E*-->B drift effects in the TCV snowflake divertor}, abstract = {Measurements of various plasma parameters at the divertor targets of snowflake (SF) and conventional single-null configurations indicate an enhanced effect of the -->E*-->B drift in the scrape-off layer of plasmas in the SF configuration. Plasma boundary transport simulations using the EMC3-Eirene code show that the poloidal gradients of the kinetic profiles in the vicinity of the null-point of a SF divertor are substantially larger than those of a conventional single-null configuration. These gradients are expected to drive larger -->E*-->B flows in the SF divertor and are thought to be responsible for the formation of the double-peaked particle and heat flux target profiles observed experimentally. Experiments in forward and reversed toroidal magnetic field directions further support this conclusion. The formation of such a double-peaked profiles is enhanced at higher plasma densities and may have beneficial effects on the divertor heat loads since they lead to broader target profiles and lower peak heat fluxes. }, year = {2015}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, volume = {55}, pages = {123023}, url = {http://pubman.mpdl.mpg.de/pubman/item/escidoc:2228391:2/component/escidoc:2391697/Canal_Enhanced.pdf}, doi = {10.1088/0029-5515/55/12/123023}, language = {eng}, }