@article{8166, author = {E. Lerche and M. Goniche and P. Jacquet and D. Van Eester and V. Bobkov and L. Colas and C. Giroud and I. Monakhov and F. J. Casson and M. Tsalas and F. Rimini and C. Angioni and M. Baruzzo and T. Blackman and S. Brezinsek and M. Brix and A. Czarnecka and K. Crombe and C. Challis and R. Dumont and J. Eriksson and N. Fedorczak and M. Graham and J. P. Graves and G. Gorini and J. Hobirk and E. Joffrin and T. Johnson and Y. Kazakov and V. Kiptily and A. Krivska and M. Lennholm and P. Lomas and C. Maggi and P. Mantica and G. Mathews and M. Mayoral and L. Meneses and J. Mlynar and P. Monier-Garbet and M. F. Nave and C. Noble and M. Nocente and I. Nunes and J. Ongena and G. Petravich and V. Petrzilka and T. Putterich and M. Reich and M. Santala and E. R. Solano and A. Shaw and G. Sips and M. Stamp and M. Tardocchi and M. Valisa and JET Contributors}, title = {Optimization of ICRH for core impurity control in JET-ILW}, abstract = {Ion cyclotron resonance frequency (ICRF) heating has been an essential component in the development of high power H-mode scenarios in the Jet European Torus ITER-like wall (JET-ILW). The ICRF performance was improved by enhancing the antenna-plasma coupling with dedicated main chamber gas injection, including the preliminary minimization of RF-induced plasma-wall interactions, while the RF heating scenarios where optimized for core impurity screening in terms of the ion cyclotron resonance position and the minority hydrogen concentration. The impact of ICRF heating on core impurity content in a variety of 2.5 MA JET-ILW H-mode plasmas will be presented, and the steps that were taken for optimizing ICRF heating in these experiments will be reviewed. }, year = {2016}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, volume = {56}, pages = {036022}, url = {http://www.euro-fusionscipub.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/WPJET1PR1528.pdf}, doi = {10.1088/0029-5515/56/3/036022}, language = {eng}, }