@article{8308, author = {H. Ohshima and S. Kajita and H. Tanaka and N. Ohno and H. J. van der Meiden}, title = {Thomson Scattering Measurement of Two Electron Temperature Components in Transition to Detached Plasmas}, abstract = {We have performed laser Thomson scattering (LTS) measurements during the transition between attached and detached helium plasmas in the linear divertor simulator NAGDIS-II. In the detached plasma, the LTS spectrum shows a discrepancy with a single Gaussian function. The discrepancy is resolved by the spectrum fitting with a sum of two Gaussian functions, indicating that the electron energy distribution contains two different temperature components. (C) 2018 The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research}, year = {2018}, journal = {Plasma and Fusion Research}, volume = {13}, pages = {1201099}, month = {08/2018}, doi = {10.1585/pfr.13.1201099}, language = {eng}, }