@article{8406, author = {T. D. Butterworth and B. Amyay and D. van den Bekerom and A. W. van de Steeg and T. Minea and N. Gatti and Q. Ong and C. Richard and C. van Kruijsdijk and J. T. Smits and A. P. van Bavel and V. Boudon and G. J. van Rooij}, title = {Quantifying methane vibrational and rotational temperature with Raman scattering}, abstract = {This work describes the theoretical basis and implementation of the measurement of vibrational (T vib) and rotational (T rot) temperatures in CH4 by fitting spontaneous Raman scattering spectra in the Pentad region. This method could be applied for thermal equilibrium temperature measurements applications, e.g. in combustion, or vibrational-rotational non-equilibrium applications, such as in plasma chemistry. The method of calculating these temperatures is validated against known temperature thermal equilibrium spectra up to 860 K from published data, giving an estimated relative error of 10%. This demonstrates that both the calculated stick spectrum and the algorithm to determine T vib and T rot for CH4 is robust to 860 K, but we expect it is valid to 1500 K. Additionally, a number of non-equilibrium spectra generated with a pulsed microwave plasma are fitted to find T vib and T rot, further demonstrating the applicability of this method in fitting non-equilibrium spectra. }, year = {2019}, journal = {Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer}, volume = {236}, pages = {106562}, month = {10/2019}, doi = {10.1016/j.jqsrt.2019.07.005}, language = {eng}, }