@article{8582, author = {H. J. van der Meiden and J. W. M. Vernimmen and J. van den Berg and I. G. J. Classen}, title = {Incoherent and Collective Thomson Scattering for the Determination of Electron and Ion Properties in Low-Temperature Plasma}, abstract = {In this lecture an overview of applications of incoherent Thomson scattering (TS) as well as collective Thomson scattering (CTS) will be given. These are the most accurate methods for measuring the electron and ion properties, because the method is direct and non-intrusive. A CTS system based on the fundamental wavelength of a seeded Nd:YAG laser, being developed for the high density, low-temperature plasma of the linear plasma generator Magnum-PSI will be described also. The small Debye length of dense low temperature plasma enables application of CTS at relatively short laser wavelength. The combination of this CTS system and existing incoherent TS system enables determination of electron density and temperature as well as ion temperature and plasma velocity of the near surface plasma. In this lecture, the theoretical background and experimental challenges of the work will be given along with some examples that demonstrate the capabilities of such systems. }, year = {2020}, journal = {Journal of Fusion Energy}, volume = {39}, pages = {251–260}, month = {10/2020}, url = {https://research.tue.nl/nl/publications/incoherent-and-collective-thomson-scattering-for-the-determinatio}, doi = {10.1007/s10894-020-00262-5}, language = {eng}, }