@article{8693, author = {K. Verhaegh and B. Lipschultz and J. Harrison and B. Duval and A. Fil and M. Wensing and C. Bowman and D.S. Gahle and A.S. Kukushkin and A. Perek and D. Moulton and A. Pshenov and F. Federici and O. FĂ©vrier and O. Myatra and A.J. Smolders and C. Theiler}, title = {The role of plasma-molecule interactions on power and particle balance during detachment on the TCV tokamak}, abstract = {This paper shows experimental results from the TCV tokamak that indicate plasma-molecule interactions involving D2+ and possibly D- play an important role as sinks of energy (through hydrogenic radiation as well as dissociation) and particles during divertor detachment if low target temperatures (}, year = {2021}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, volume = {61}, pages = {106014}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, doi = {10.1088/1741-4326/ac1dc5}, language = {eng}, }