@article{8744, author = {P.W. Terry and P.Y. Li and M.J. Pueschel and G.G. Whelan}, title = {Threshold Heat-Flux Reduction by Near-Resonant Energy Transfer}, abstract = {Near-resonant energy transfer to large-scale stable modes is shown to reduce transport above the linear critical gradient, contributing to the onset of transport at higher gradients. This is demonstrated for a threshold fluid theory of ion temperature gradient turbulence based on zonal-flow-catalyzed transfer. The heat flux is suppressed above the critical gradient by resonance in the triplet correlation time, a condition enforced by the wave numbers of the interaction of the unstable mode, zonal flow, and stable mode. }, year = {2021}, journal = {Physical Review Letters}, volume = {126}, pages = {025004}, month = {01/2021}, url = {https://pure.tue.nl/ws/portalfiles/portal/176566142/PhysRevLett.126.025004.pdf}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.025004}, language = {eng}, }