@article{8829, author = {H. Raj and C. Theiler and A. Thornton and O. Février and S. Gorno and F. Bagnato and P. Blanchard and C. Colandrea and H. de Oliveira and A. Perek and B.P. Duval and B. Labit and H. Reimerdes and U. Sheikh and M. Vallar and B. Vincent and TCV team and EUROfusion MST1 Team}, title = {Improved heat and particle flux mitigation in high core confinement, baffled, alternative divertor configurations in the TCV tokamak}, abstract = {Nitrogen seeded detachment has been achieved in the tokamak a configuration variable (TCV) in alternative divertor configurations (ADCs), namely X-divertor and X-point target, with and without baffles in H-mode plasmas with high core confinement. Both ADCs show a remarkable reduction in the inter-ELM particle and heat fluxes to the target compared to the standard divertor configuration. 95%–98% of the inter-ELM peak heat flux to the target is mitigated as a synergetic effect of ADCs, baffling, and nitrogen seeded detachment. The effect of divertor geometry and baffles on core-divertor compatibility is investigated in detail. The power balance in these experiments is also investigated to explore the physics behind the observed reduction in heat fluxes in the ADCs.}, year = {2022}, journal = {Nuclear Fusion}, volume = {62}, pages = {126035}, publisher = {IOP Publishing}, doi = {10.1088/1741-4326/ac94e5}, language = {eng}, }