

Seminars at DIFFER cover a wide range of topics and are held on Thursdays at 11.15 AM in the seminar room of the institute (unless otherwise stated). Seminars are open to everybody. If you are interested in visiting a DIFFER seminar or want to subscribe to our mailing list, please follow the instructions for external visitors.

Seminar, to
DIFFER event
(Note: this seminar is organized together with the TU/e, and will be in the Flux building) The stable generation of high temperature Hydrogen plasmas (ion and electron temperature in the range 10-20 keV) is the basis for the use of nuclear fusion to generate heat and thereby electric power.
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
The LHC experiments at CERN record tens of petabytes of data each year -- but
the actual data produced by the detectors is several orders of magnitude larger.
This initial data stream is analyzed in real-time by dedicated systems, and only
the most interesting bits of information are recorded. Next, the recorded data
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
Most energy in the built environment is used in the form of heat. This heat is produced for 75% from natural gas. Large scale electrification of the heat supply (with heat pumps) will need significant investments in the electricity networks.
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
The principles that govern catalysis at solid-liquid interfaces are at the heart of energy storage technologies, enabling chemical reactions required to store energy in batteries, to release it in fuel cells, and to convert it in solar-to-fuel systems.  Catalysis at this interface proceeds from the localization of charge onto surface atoms, forming catalytic intermediates.
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
Photovoltaic solar energy (PV) has demonstrated spectacular cost reduction and performance enhancement over the past decades. Cumulative global installations are expected to grow to the multi-terawatt level in the coming decades, making solar energy one of the most important sources of sustainable energy for mankind.