A. Figueiredo

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Giroud, C. ., Jachmich, S. ., Jacquet, P. ., Jarvinen, A. ., Lerche, E. ., Rimini, F. ., … Contributors, J.-E. . (2015). Progress at JET in integrating ITER-relevant core and edge plasmas within the constraints of an ITER-like wall. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 57(3), 035004. https://doi.org/10.1088/0741-3335/57/3/035004
Falchetto, G. ., Coster, D. ., Coelho, R. ., Scott, B. D., Figini, L. ., Kalupin, D. ., … Contributors, J.-E. . (2014). The European Integrated Tokamak Modelling (ITM) effort: achievements and first physics results. Nuclear Fusion, 54(4), 043018. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/54/4/043018
Mantsinen, M. J., Mayoral, M. L., Van Eester, D. ., Alper, B. ., Barnsley, R. ., Beaumont, P. ., … Zerbini, M. . (2004). Localized bulk electron heating with ICRF mode conversion in the JET tokamak. Nuclear Fusion, 44, 33-46. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000188596800005 (Original work published 2024)
Noterdaeme, J. M., Budny, R. ., Cardinali, A. ., Castaldo, C. ., Cesario, R. ., Crisanti, F. ., … Van Eester, D. . (2003). Heating, current drive and energetic particle studies on JET in preparation of ITER operation. Nuclear Fusion, 43, 202-209. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000181913000006 (Original work published 2024)
Pamela, J. ., Solano, E. R., Adams, J. M., Agarici, G. ., Agarici, M. ., Akhter, H. ., … Zwingman, W. . (2003). Overview of JET results. Nuclear Fusion, 43, 1540-1554. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000187838300003 (Original work published 2024)