Plasma edge research

Plasma Edge Physics and Diagnostics

Our group investigates the complex processes in the edge of fusion plasmas. We develop state of the art diagnostics to quantify the transport and radiation processes in the scrape off layer region of tokamaks and in the linear plasma device Magnum PSI, making use of the leading numerical models to simulate and interpret the measurements. We investigate the physical and chemical processes between the plasma ions, impurities, neutrals and the wall to understand and develop scenarios with acceptable ion and energy fluxes to the wall (the so called detached divertor).

Currently we are developing a novel diagnostic, MANTIS, which is a multi-spectral imaging diagnostic, looking at the tokamak edge plasma with 10 cameras, each detecting light in a different spectral range. We will use the 10 different images, each representing different spectral emission lines, to reconstruct the spatial distribution of the various atomic and ionic species in the plasma. This gives information on the profiles of plasma parameters like temperature and density, and the physical and chemical processes that take place in the scrape off layer.

Optical setup of MANTIS. The plasma light enters from the bottom right. Ten cameras (behind filters) simultaneously record images in 10 spectral ranges.


DIFFER is a member of the EUROfusion consortium, which comprises 30 fusion research organisations and universities from 26 European member states plus Switzerland and Ukraine.