M. Bruedgam

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García-Muñoz, M. ., Hicks, N. ., van Voornveld, R. ., Classen, I. ., Bilato, R. ., Bobkov, V. ., … Sassenberg, K. . (2010). Convective and Diffusive Energetic Particle Losses Induced by Shear Alfven Waves in the ASDEX Upgrade Tokamak. Physical Review Letters, 104, 4. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000277417500030 (Original work published 2025)
García-Muñoz, M. ., Hicks, N. ., van Voornveld, R. ., Classen, I. ., Bilato, R. ., Bobkov, V. ., … Sassenberg, K. . (2010). Fast-ion losses induced by ACs and TAEs in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamak. Nuclear Fusion, 50, 7. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000280505800005 (Original work published 2025)