R. Wenninger

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Last name
Wenninger, R. ., Kembleton, R. ., Bachmann, C. ., Biel, W. ., Bolzonella, T. ., Ciattaglia, S. ., … Zohm, H. . (2017). The physics and technology basis entering European system code studies for DEMO. Nuclear Fusion, 57(1), 016011. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/57/1/016011
Biel, W. ., de Baar, M. ., Dinklage, A. ., Felici, F. ., Konig, R. ., Meister, H. ., … Wenninger, R. . (2015). DEMO diagnostics and burn control. Fusion Engineering and Design, 96–97, 8-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.01.046
Turnyanskiy, M. ., Neu, R. ., Albanese, R. ., Ambrosino, R. ., Bachmann, C. ., Brezinsek, S. ., … You, J. H. (2015). European roadmap to the realization of fusion energy: Mission for solution on heat-exhaust systems. Fusion Engineering and Design, 96–97, 361-364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fusengdes.2015.04.041
Stroth, U. ., Adamek, J. ., Aho-Mantila, L. ., Akaslompolo, S. ., Amdor, C. ., Angioni, C. ., … Zohm, H. . (2013). Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion, 53(10), 104003. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/53/10/104003
Lang, P. T., Alonso, A. ., Alper, B. ., Belonohy, E. ., Boboc, A. ., Devaux, S. ., … Zohm, H. . (2011). ELM pacing investigations at JET with the new pellet launcher. Nuclear Fusion, 51(3), 033010. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/51/3/033010 (Original work published 2025)
Kallenbach, A. ., Adamek, J. ., Aho-Mantila, L. ., Akaslompolo, S. ., Angioni, C. ., Atanasiu, C. V., … Zohm, H. . (2011). Overview of ASDEX Upgrade results. Nuclear Fusion, 51(9), 094012. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/51/9/094012 (Original work published 2025)
Sommer, F. ., Giroud, C. ., McCormick, G. K., Gunter, S. ., Kallenbach, A. ., Maraschek, M. ., … Team, A. U. (2011). Characterization and interpretation of the edge snake in between type-I edge lozalized modes at ASDEX Upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53(8), 085012. https://doi.org/10.1088/0741-3335/53/8/085012 (Original work published 2025)