N. Horsten

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van Uytven, W. ., Dekeyser, W. ., Subba, F. ., Wiesen, S. ., Horsten, N. ., Vervloesem, N. ., & Baelmans, M. . (2024). Discretization error estimation for EU-DEMO plasma-edge simulations using SOLPS-ITER with fluid neutrals. Contributions to Plasma Physics, 64(7-8), e202300125. https://doi.org/10.1002/ctpp.202300125
Borodin, D. ., Schluck, F. ., Wiesen, S. ., Harting, D. ., Boerner, P. ., Brezinsek, S. ., … Leggate, H. . (2022). Fluid, kinetic and hybrid approaches for neutral and trace ion edge transport modelling in fusion devices. Nuclear Fusion, 62(8), 086051. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ac3fe8