Study of type III ELMs in JET
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Abstract |
This paper presents the results of JET experiments aimed at studying the operational space of plasmas with a Type III ELMy edge, in terms of both local and global plasma parameters. In JET, the Type III ELMy regime has a wide operational space in the pedestal n(e)-T-e diagram, and Type III ELMs are observed in standard ELMy H-modes as well as in plasmas with an internal transport barrier (ITB). The transition from an H-mode with Type III ELMs to a steady state Type I ELMy H-mode requires a minimum loss power, P-TypeI-P-TypeI decreases with increasing plasma triangularity. In the pedestal n(e)-T-e diagram, the critical pedestal temperature for the transition to Type I ELMs is found to be inversely proportional to the pedestal density (T-crit proportional to 1/n) at a low density. In contrast, at a high density, T-crit, does not depend strongly on density. In-the density range where T-crit proportional to 1/n, the critical power required for the transition to Type I ELMs decreases with increasing density. Experimental results are presented suggesting a common mechanism for Type III ELMs at low and high collisionality. A single model for the critical temperature for the transition from Type III to Type I ELMs, based on the resistive interchange instability with magnetic flutter, fits well the density and toroidal field dependence of the JET experimental data. On the other hand, this model fails to describe the variation of the Type III n(e)-T-e operational space with isotopic mass and q(95). Other results are instead suggestive of a different physics for Type III ELMs. At low collisionality, plasma current ramp experiments indicate a role of the edge current in determining the transition from Type III to Type I ELMs, while at high collisionality, a model based on resistive ballooning instability well reproduces, in term of a critical density, the experimentally observed q(95) dependence of the transition from Type I to Type III ELMs. Experimental evidence common to Type III ELMs in standard ELMy H-modes and in plasmas with ITBs indicates that they are driven by the same instability. |
Year of Publication |
Journal |
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
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Accession Number |
<Go to ISI>://000221752400002
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Alternate Journal |
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion
Journal Article
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