Laser-based diagnostics applications for plasma-surface interaction studies
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Abstract |
Several laser based diagnostics are implemented on to the linear plasma generator Magnum-PSI, wherein ITER divertor relevant plasma-wall conditions are realized. Laser Induced Desorption Quadrupole Mass Spectroscopy (LID-QMS) and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) are installed to measure deuterium retention in plasma facing components. Combined with Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy, LID-QMS can be used to measure lateral retention profiles. LIBS is used to measure the surface composition qualitatively, after plasma exposure. An advanced Thomson Scattering (TS) system measures electron density, neutral density and electron temperature profiles (spatial resolution < 2 mm) across the maximum 100 mm plasma diameter. Very low electron density (9 × 10 18 m −3 ) can be measured within seconds with accuracies better than 6%. The minimum measurable electron density and temperature are 1 × 10 17 m −3 and 0.07 eV, respectively. By virtue of the high system sensitivity, single pulse TS can be performed on high density pulsed plasmas (used for replicating ELMs). For measuring the ion temperature and flow velocity of the plasma a Collective TS system (CTS) is being built: the small Debye length of the Magnum-PSI plasma enables application of this method at relatively short laser wavelength. In a feasibility study it was shown that forward CTS with a seeded Nd:YAG laser operating at 1064 nm, can be applied at Magnum-PSI to measure ion temperature and axial velocity with an accuracy of < 8% and < 15%, respectively. Two high spectral resolution (~ 0.005 nm) detection schemes are applied simultaneously: an Echelle grating spectrometer (enabling profile measurements) and a system based on a Fabry-Perot etalon that enables wavelength scanning over its free spectral range, by tilting the device. The status and performance of the various laser based plasma and surface diagnostics will be reported along with experimental results. |
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Journal of Instrumentation
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J. Instrum.
Journal Article
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