Outline of optical design and viewing geometry for divertor Thomson scattering on MAST upgrade
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Abstract |
The super-X divertor on MAST Upgrade will be diagnosed by a Thomson scattering diagnostic. A preliminary design of the collection optics and calculations of the diagnostic's performance are discussed in this paper. As part of the design the location and size of the collection cell were optimized to minimize vignetting, especially in the region of interest close to the divertor strike point. The design process was complicated by the limited access available in the closed divertor geometry. In the study of the diagnostic's performance, the radial resolution, projection of the laser image onto the fiber bundle, and impact of depth of field with a multiple laser system were investigated. In this design there is a trade-off between the resolution of the system and the lifetime of the beam dump. For this reason the beam has its focal point at the start of the viewing region and diverges in width to approximately five millimeters near the divertor tile. The effect of this large variation in beam width is examined primarily at the two extremes by means of ray trace modeling. This model takes an object with dimensions of the beam width imaged onto the fiber bundle to investigate the effect of misalignment for a narrow or broad laser image. In a similar manner ray tracing was performed to determine the effects of depth of field for four and two laser systems. As the electron density of the system may be low, performance analysis considers firing multiple lasers simultaneously to improve photon statistics. |
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Journal of Instrumentation
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J. Instrum.
Journal Article
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