A high-repetition rate edge localised mode replication system for the Magnum-PSI and Pilot-PSI linear devices
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Abstract |
A high-power edge-localized mode (ELM) striking onto divertor components presents one of the strongest lifetime and performance challenges for plasma facing components in future fusion reactors. A high-repetition-rate ELM replication system has been constructed and was commissioned at the Magnum-PSI linear device to investigate the synergy between steady state plasma exposure and the large increase in heat and particle flux to the plasma facing surface during repeated ELM transients in conditions aiming to mimic as closely as possible those in the ITER divertor. This system is capable of increasing the electron density and temperature from ∼1 × 10 20 m −3 to ∼1 × 10 21 m −3 and from 1 to 5 eV respectively, leading to a heat flux increase at the surface to ∼130 MW m −2 . By combining Thomson scattering measurements with heat fluxes determined using the THEODOR code, the sheath heat transmission factor during the pulses was determined to be ≈7.7, in agreement with sheath theory. The heat flux is found to be linearly dependent upon the strength of the magnetic field at the target position, and, by adapting the system to Pilot-PSI, tests at 1.6 T showed heat fluxes of more than 600 MW m −2 . This gives confidence that with the installation of a 2.5 T superconducting magnetic solenoid at Magnum-PSI the heat flux will reach the ITER-relevant gigawatt per square metre heat flux regime. |
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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
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Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion
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