Study of temporal pulse shape effects on W using simulations and laser heating
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Abstract |
Transient heat pulses with triangular, square, and ELM-like temporal shapes are investigated in order to further understand how transient plasma instabilities will affect plasma facing components in tokamaks. A solution to the 1D heat equation for triangular pulses allows the peak surface temperature to be written analytically for arbitrary rise times. The solution as well as ANSYS simulations reveal that a positive ramp (maximum rise time) triangular pulse has a higher peak surface temperature by a factor of sqrt{2} compared to that from a negative ramp (rise time = 0) pulse shape with equal energy density, peak power, and pulse width. Translating the results to ITER, an ELM or disruption pulse with the shortest rise time is the most benign compared to other pulse shapes with the same peak heat flux and same energy density. |
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Physica Scripta
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Phys. Scr.
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