DIFFER PhD researcher Artur Perek will defend his thesis Development and application of quantitative multispectral imaging in nuclear fusion research.
Research summary
Nuclear fusion has the potential to provide a clean, inherently safe and virtually inexhaustible source of energy. Magnetic confinement devices are used to create and study fusion plasmas. A power-plant class device would have to sustain and withstand a burning fusion plasma releasing gigawatts of power to generate electricity. A fraction of that power will exit the confined region into the Scrape-O? Layer (SOL), a narrow region enclosing the plasma core. It directs the heat and charged particles escaping the core to surfaces dedicated to power and particle exhaust. Those surfaces are expected to receive high heat and particle fluxes, which will have to be mitigated to technologically feasible levels. Variations in the shape and topology of the SOL, reactor design, and the operational regime can mitigate those fluxes. The understanding and validated models of the SOL are crucial to the power exhaust design for a power-plant scale nuclear fusion reactor. In this thesis, advanced plasma edge imaging methods are developed to measure the atomic line emission from the plasma edge quantitatively. The emission is used to infer SOL plasma parameters such as the electron temperature, density and neutral atomic density. Those parameters are used to understand the plasma behaviour and compare it against runs of the Scrape Off Layer Plasma Simulator (SOLPS-ITER) code. This process is documented in this thesis.
Chair: prof.dr.ir. G.M.W. Kroesen
Promotor: prof.dr. N.J. Lopes Cardozo, prof.dr. M.R. de Baar
Copromotor: dr. I.G.J. Classen (DIFFER)
Committee members: prof.dr. N.J. Lopes Cardozo, prof.dr. M.R. de Baar, dr. I.G.J. Classen (DIFFER), prof.dr.ir. I. Lopez Arteaga, prof.dr. W. Biel (ForschungsZentrum Juelich and Univerisity of Ghent), dr. E. Tsitrone (CEA, CEA-IRFM Cadarache), dr. B.P. Duval (Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
More information
DIFFER news article: From trusting your intuition to strict control: Heat loss control method in fusion reactors in Nature Communications
Interview Perek: Hora Est! PhD Defense Artur Perek
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