The Applied Computational Science (ACOS) symposium will bring together the Dutch research community in applied computational science. The symposium is intended for all academic and industrial researchers developing and using computational methods to contribute to solving industrial and societal challenges, and is aimed at sharing and discussing developments in the field whilst building an enduring community of practice of Dutch applied computational science researchers.
Each year the ACOS symposium will focus on a single relevant theme. For 2019, the event theme will be Revolutions in Scientific Computing. This theme intends to sharpen our view on the rapidly evolving fields of data-driven methods and new computational paradigms. It encompasses subjects as diverse as high-throughput screening in computational science, surrogate models and machine learning, novel hardware architectures and computational techniques, and quantum computing.
We are proud to announce our expert keynote speakers:
- Alexander Balatsky - NORDITA / Stockholm University
- Marjolein Dijkstra - Debye Institute Utrecht University
- Wilco Hazeleger - Utrecht University Geosciences
- Wilfred van der Wiel - University of Twente
Abstracts for pitch/poster and contributed talks can be submitted until 15 September 2019, 12.00 pm CEST. Participants can register until 15 October 2019, 12.00 pm CEST.
Go to the Events page.