The performances of fusion devices and of future fusion power plants strongly depend on the plasma-facing materials and components. Resistance to heat and particle loads, compatibility in plasma operations, thermo-mechanical properties, as well as the response to neutron irradiation are critical parameters which need to be understood and tailored from atomistic to component levels. The 17th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications addresses these issues.
PFMC-17 will be held 21st-24th May 2019: register here. Selected international speakers will present overview lectures and treat detailed aspects of the given topics. Contributed papers to the subjects of the meeting are solicited for oral and poster presentations. The proceedings will be published in the peer-reviewed journal Physica Scripta. The full programme can be found at the PFMC website.
A tutorial course with contributions from experts in the fields covered by the event has been organized on Monday, 20th May 2019 from 13:00 to 17:30h at DIFFER. These introductory lectures are designed for PhD students, postdocs and newcomers to the field, but are open to all registrants. They are included in the general registration fee. You can also register separately for the tutorials alone on the registration page.
Tutorial speakers
- Holger Reimerdes (EPFL): Particle and heat exhaust in future fusion reactors: challenges and solutions
- Kai Nordlund (University of Helsinki): Computational science approaches to understanding plasma facing material performance
- Takeshi Hirai (ITER Organization): Design and testing of plasma facing components for ITER
- Jan Coenen (Forschungszentrum Jülich): Plasma facing material and component design for DEMO
This conference is jointly organized by the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) and Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).
Go to the Events page.