Renewable Energy Driven Chemistry

At Wednesday April 5th 2017, DIFFER will host the workshop Renewable Energy Driven Chemistry focusing on the synthesis of clean fuels and chemical products from renewable energy and CO2, H2O and N2. The workshop brings together the researchers working at academia, institutes and industry in the fields  related to the two NWO programs “CO2 neutral fuels” and “Solar-to-Products” and the STW-Alliander program “Activating and dissociating CO2 in a plasma”.

We are pleased to announce that prof. Truls Norby (University of Oslo) will give a plenary lecture during the workshop. The program of the workshop is still in preparation, but scientists working on the granted project in the NWO and STW-Alliander programs will share their latest results. During the day the scientific disciplines involved will be linked, and we strive to foster future collaboration.

Interested to attend the workshop?
Visit the workshop website (link) or register directly (registration). The workshop is open to all and can be attended free of charge, with a maximum of 100 persons. For additional information please contact the organizers via Erik Langereis (e [368] langereis [18] differ [368] nl (mail)).

The organizers:

Anja Bieberle,
Mihalis Tsampas
Waldo Bongers
Erik Langereis and
Richard van de Sanden

Seminar room

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