The Sun-To-X project focuses on using solar energy to produce a carbon-free, non-toxic, energy-dense, liquid fuel -Hydrosil, with very good long-term stability, which is applicable in the transport and energy sectors. This unique carbon-free fuel can store large amounts of hydrogen, can be regenerated after use, does not use rare materials and has a very low impact on environment.
The Sun-To-X consortium proposes the energy storage system described in the figure below, where Hydrosil is synthesised through the use of solar energy, ambient water (captured from humidity and rain) and a rechargeable silica liquid. In addition, the consortium will demonstrate the use of the Hydrosil molecule in waste plastic valorisation towards a circular economy.
The project, coordinated by Toyota Motor Europe, gathers 9 partners from 5 different countries. Work package 3 is led by DIFFER and focuses on developing the next generation of MPEA-based tandem cells that will produce solar hydrogen using humidity of ambient air as water feedstock.
Read more on Sun-To-X on the dedicated project website.