General Assembly Meeting

Travel information

Airports in the vicinity of Eindhoven

Eindhoven Airport (20 km, ~30 minutes by bus to Eindhoven rail station)
Schiphol Airport Amsterdam (130 km, 1.5 hours by direct train to Eindhoven rail station)
Brussels Airport, (130 km, 2 hours by train to Eindhoven rail station, with a connection in Breda)

Train | Bus

To find all information you need to prepare your visit and trip, by public transport, bus line, bicycle, car or from Eindhoven Airport, please visit Accessibility, route and map TU/e Campus
Plan your journey by train: https://www.ns.nl/en.
Check out a map of the campus and the DIFFER building on Google Maps.

Bicycle rent

It may be convenient to rent a bike - the Dutch's preferred means of city transportation! - to move to and from DIFFER during your stay in Eindhoven.

Bicycle rent Eindhoven 
Public Transportation Bicycle rent

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