Abstract: In the past decade, the field of astroparticle physics has gained momentum through major advancements in theory and observations. From the observational side, the detection of high-energy neutrinos from the cosmos gives a first hint on the origin of cosmic rays. Further.
measurements of cosmic-ray arrival directions, composition and ridigidy behavior now cover a range from 10^9eV up to 10^20eV, and gamma-ray maps of the Galaxy and extragalactic objects complement the picture further.
Theoretical models now have to fit these multimessenger data simultaneously and advanced numerical codes have been developed to meet this challenge. From the plama perspective, it is particularly interesting that the propagation of cosmic rays in magnetic turblence is imprinted in the observations. In this talk, it will be discussed what we can learn from the combination of multimessenger observations with theoretical modeling about the plasma physics of the Universe.
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