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ITER is the key facility on the European fusion roadmap as it will achieve most of the important milestones on the path to fusion power. Therefore, the focus is on experiments and modelling to optimise the ITER Research Plan. This includes specifically experiments in tokamaks with a full metal wall. The recent world-record fusion energy performance in JET, yielding 59 MJ of fusion energy in a 5 s deuterium-tritium pulse has validated the theoretical models for ITER.
ITER is followed by DEMO, which will provide first electricity to the grid. An important supporting facility is IFMIF-DONES, a 14 MeV accelerator-based neutron source that will be built in Spain.
The presentation will focus on the strategy behind the fusion roadmap and the major challenges that need to be tackled on the road towards fusion electricity. Recent results are presented to demonstrate the progress of the focused approach in European fusion research.
About Tony Donné
Since June 2014,Tony Donné (1956) is Programma Manager (CEO) of EUROfusion, a European consortium of 30 national fusion research institutes in 26 EU countries plus Switzerland and Ukraine. Before that he was head of the Fusion Physics Division at the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) and responsible for the coordination of the nuclear fusion research in the Netherlands. In 2010 he was interim director of the institute. From January 2010 - January 2018 he was professor in Diagnostics and Heating of Fusion Plasmas at Eindhoven University of Technology. From 2008 - 2014 he was director of the Dutch-Russian Centre of Excellence on Fusion Physics and Technology, as well as programme director of the ITER-NL consortium.
For almost his entire career, Donné has worked in plasma diagnostics at a large range of tokamaks. As chair of the ITPA and EFDA Topical Group on Diagnostics, he was closely involved in the development of diagnostics for the international ITER project. He was member of the Governing Board of Fusion for Energy (F4E), the European Domestic Agency for ITER as well as member of the EURATOM Scientific and Technical Committee (STC). He is presently member of the ITER Scientific and Technology Advisory Committee, the Supervisory Board of the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and the International Advisory Committee of the EAST tokamak. He is chair of the Coordinating Committee of the International Tokamak Physics Activity. He is member of the International Organisation Committee of various conferences.
Until 2017 he chaired the physics advisory board of the Lorentz Centre in Leiden and he acted in organizing committees (in different functions: chair, secretary, treasurer, member) of many conferences and symposia. He is member of the Board of Editors of the peer-reviewed journal Nuclear Fusion.
Donné has published about 185 papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 350 conference proceedings.
Since June 2014,Tony Donné (1956) is Programma Manager (CEO) of EUROfusion, a European consortium of 30 national fusion research institutes in 26 EU countries plus Switzerland and Ukraine. Before that he was head of the Fusion Physics Division at the Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research (DIFFER) and responsible for the coordination of the nuclear fusion research in the Netherlands. In 2010 he was interim director of the institute. From January 2010 - January 2018 he was professor in Diagnostics and Heating of Fusion Plasmas at Eindhoven University of Technology. From 2008 - 2014 he was director of the Dutch-Russian Centre of Excellence on Fusion Physics and Technology, as well as programme director of the ITER-NL consortium.
For almost his entire career, Donné has worked in plasma diagnostics at a large range of tokamaks. As chair of the ITPA and EFDA Topical Group on Diagnostics, he was closely involved in the development of diagnostics for the international ITER project. He was member of the Governing Board of Fusion for Energy (F4E), the European Domestic Agency for ITER as well as member of the EURATOM Scientific and Technical Committee (STC). He is presently member of the ITER Scientific and Technology Advisory Committee, the Supervisory Board of the Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics and the International Advisory Committee of the EAST tokamak. He is chair of the Coordinating Committee of the International Tokamak Physics Activity. He is member of the International Organisation Committee of various conferences.
Until 2017 he chaired the physics advisory board of the Lorentz Centre in Leiden and he acted in organizing committees (in different functions: chair, secretary, treasurer, member) of many conferences and symposia. He is member of the Board of Editors of the peer-reviewed journal Nuclear Fusion.
Donné has published about 185 papers in peer-reviewed journals and more than 350 conference proceedings.
A.J.H. Donné1,2
1 EUROfusion, Garching, Germany
2DIFFER, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
tony [368] donne [18] euro-fusion [368] org (tony[dot]donne[at]euro-fusion[dot]org)

Marco de Baar
DIFFER, Eindhoven
A.J.H. (Tony) Donné
EUROfusion, Garching, Germany
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