Long time scale simulations of nanocarbons at the atomic scale

Atomic scale simulations provide a computational means to study and understand fundamental processes in plasma - surface interactions. These interactions are quite complex, and unraveling them is a highly non-trivial task. Employing state-of-the-art simulation techniques, we gain insight in how these interactions are coupled, and how we may modify them in order to steer the process. In this seminar, I will first introduce the various atomic scale methods at our disposal. In particular, I will highlight traditional molecular dynamics (MD), accelerated dynamics methods and (force bias) Monte Carlo methods. Subsequently, I will highlight some recent results on understanding plasma - surface interactions using atomistic simulations, in particular focussing on carbon nanomaterials, including both growth and etching of graphene and carbon nanotubes.

seminar room
Erik Neyts
Research group PLASMANT, Dept. Chemistry, University of Antwerp

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