

Seminars at DIFFER cover a wide range of topics and are held on Thursdays at 11.15 AM in the seminar room of the institute (unless otherwise stated). Seminars are open to everybody. If you are interested in visiting a DIFFER seminar or want to subscribe to our mailing list, please follow the instructions for external visitors.

Seminar, to
From [W. Morris JPP colloquium Oct. 2024]
Abstract: Simulation of tokamak plasmas is a multi-physics challenge across multiple timescales. Coupled partial-differential-equations evolve quantities like current, heat, particles and momentum, over entire experiment timescales.
Seminar, to
Jaap G. van der Laan
Abstract: The ITER TBM Program, where TBM stands for Test Blanket Module, is a specific research activity within ITER, involving all ITER Members. It is foreseen to install a number of four different Test Blanket Systems, representative for tritium breeding concepts of the concerned ITER members and operate them simultaneously.
Seminar, to
Julia Tjus
Abstract: In the past decade, the field of astroparticle physics has gained momentum through major advancements in theory and observations. From the observational side, the detection of high-energy neutrinos from the cosmos gives a first hint on the origin of cosmic rays. Further.
Seminar, to
Jeroen van Oijen
Abstract: In the context of decarbonization of hard-to-abate energy-intensive sectors, green hydrogen emerges as a promising alternative fuel, which allows long-term energy storage from intermittent renewable sources and can be consumed without emitting carbon dioxide.
Seminar, to
Audrey van der Meer
Abstract: To write by hand, to type, or to draw – which of these strategies is the most efficient for optimal learning in the classroom? Our brain research shows that children, from an early age, must be exposed to handwriting and drawing activities in school to establish the neuronal oscillation and connectivity patterns that are beneficial for learning.