M. Valovic

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Last name
Marin, M. ., Citrin, J. ., Garzotti, L. ., Valovic, M. ., Bourdelle, C. ., Camenen, Y. ., … Contributors, J. . (2021). Multiple-isotope pellet cycles captured by turbulent transport modelling in the JET tokamak. Nuclear Fusion, 61(3), 036042. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/abda00
Valovic, M. ., Baranov, Y. ., Boboc, A. ., Buchanan, J. ., Citrin, J. ., Delabie, E. ., … Contributors, J. . (2019). Control of the hydrogen:deuterium isotope mixture using pellets in JET. Nuclear Fusion, 59(10), 106047. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ab3812
Garzotti, L. ., Challis, C. ., Dumont, R. ., Frigione, D. ., Graves, J. ., Lerche, E. ., … Contributors, J. . (2019). Scenario development for D–T operation at JET. Nuclear Fusion, 59(7), 076037. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ab1cca
Leuthold, N. ., Suttrop, W. ., Fischer, R. ., Kappatou, A. ., Kirk, A. ., McDermott, R. ., … Willensdorfer, M. . (2017). Parameter dependence of ELM loss reduction by magnetic perturbations at low pedestal density and collisionality in ASDEX upgrade. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 59(5), 055004. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6587/aa5f70
Chapman, I. ., Adamek, J. ., Akers, R. J., Allan, S. ., Appel, L. ., Asunta, O. ., … Teams, M. U. (2015). Overview of MAST results. Nuclear Fusion, 55(10), 104008. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/55/10/104008
Meyer, H. ., Abel, I. G., Akers, R. J., Allan, A. ., . Y. Allan, S. ., Appel, L. C., … Team, N. . (2013). Overview of physics results from MAST towards ITER/DEMO and the MAST Upgrade. Nuclear Fusion, 53, 104008. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/53/10/104008
Lloyd, B. ., Akers, R. J., Alladio, F. ., Allan, S. ., Appel, L. C., Barnes, M. ., … Zoletnik, S. . (2011). Overview of physics results from MAST. Nuclear Fusion, 51(9), 094013. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/51/9/094013 (Original work published 2024)
Parail, V. ., Belo, P. ., Boerner, P. ., Bonnin, X. ., Corrigan, G. ., Coster, D. ., … Zagorski, R. . (2009). Integrated modelling of ITER reference scenarios. Nuclear Fusion, 49, 8. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000267942000030 (Original work published 2024)
McDonald, D. C., Cordey, J. G., Thomsen, K. ., Kardaun, O. ., Snipes, J. A., Greenwald, M. ., … Leonov, V. . (2007). Recent progress on the development and analysis of the ITPA global H-mode confinement database. Nuclear Fusion, 47, 147-174. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000245730600001 (Original work published 2024)
Kaye, S. M., Valovic, M. ., Chudnovskiy, A. ., Cordey, J. G., McDonald, D. ., Meakins, A. ., … Urano, H. . (2006). The role of aspect ratio and beta in H-mode confinement scalings. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 48, A429-A438. Retrieved from <Go to ISI>://000238393400045 (Original work published 2024)