A. Salmi

First name
Last name
Tala, T. ., Eriksson, F. ., Mantica, P. ., Mariani, A. ., Salmi, A. ., Solano, E. ., … Contributors, J. . (2022). Role of NBI fuelling in contributing to density peaking between the ICRH and NBI identity plasmas on JET. Nuclear Fusion, 62(6), 066008. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ac5667
Tala, T. ., Nordman, H. ., Salmi, A. ., Bourdelle, C. ., Citrin, J. ., Czarnecka, A. ., … Contributors, J. . (2019). Density peaking in JET - determined by fuelling or transport?. Nuclear Fusion, 59(12), 126030. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ab4248
Maslov, M. ., King, D. ., Viezzer, E. ., Keeling, D. L., Giroud, C. ., Tala, T. ., … Contributors, J. . (2018). Observation of enhanced ion particle transport in mixed H/D isotope plasmas on JET. Nuclear Fusion, 58(7), 076022. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/aac342
Baiocchi, B. ., Mantica, P. ., Giroud, C. ., Johnson, T. ., Naulin, V. ., Salmi, A. ., … Tsalas, M. . (2013). Discriminating the role of rotation and its gradient in determining ion stiffness mitigation in JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 55, 025010. https://doi.org/10.1088/0741-3335/55/2/025010 (Original work published 2024)
Weisen, H. ., Camenen, Y. ., Salmi, A. ., Versloot, T. W., de Vries, P. C., Maslov, M. ., … Contributors, J.-E. . (2012). Ubiquity of non-diffusive momentum transport in JET H-modes. Nuclear Fusion, 52, 114024. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/52/11/114024
Weisen, H. ., Camenen, Y. ., Salmi, A. ., Versloot, T. W., de Vries, P. C., Maslov, M. ., … Giroud, C. . (2012). Identification of the ubiquitous Coriolis momentum pinch in JET tokamak plasmas. Nuclear Fusion, 52(4), 042001. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/52/11/114024 (Original work published 2024)
Urano, H. ., Saibene, G. ., Oyama, N. ., Parail, V. ., de Vries, P. ., Sartori, R. ., … Yoshida, M. . (2011). Edge pedestal characteristics in JET and JT-60U tokamaks under variable toroidal field ripple. Nuclear Fusion, 51(11), 113004. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/51/11/113004 (Original work published 2024)
Versloot, T. W., de Vries, P. C., Giroud, C. ., Brix, M. ., von Hellermann, M. G., Lomas, P. J., … Zastrow, K. D. (2011). Momentum losses by charge exchange with neutral particles in H-mode discharges at JET. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 53(6), 065017. https://doi.org/10.1088/0741-3335/53/6/065017 (Original work published 2024)
Schaffer, M. J., Snipes, J. A., Gohil, P. ., de Vries, P. ., Evans, T. E., Fenstermacher, M. ., … Zeng, L. . (2011). ITER test blanket module error field simulation experiments at DIII-D. Nuclear Fusion, 51, 11. https://doi.org/10.1088/0029-5515/51/10/103028 (Original work published 2024)
Mantica, P. ., Angioni, C. ., Challis, C. ., Colyer, G. ., Frassinetti, L. ., Hawkes, N. ., … Versloot, T. . (2011). A Key to Improved Ion Core Confinement in the JET Tokamak: Ion Stiffness Mitigation due to Combined Plasma Rotation and Low Magnetic Shear. Physical Review Letters, 107(13), 135004. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.135004 (Original work published 2024)