JET Contributors

First name
Last name
Panera Alvarez, A. ., Ho, A. ., Jarvinen, A. ., Saarelma, S. ., Wiesen, S. ., Contributors, J. ., & Team, A. U. (2024). EuroPED-NN: uncertainty aware surrogate model. Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 66(9), 095012. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6587/ad6707
Jarvinen, A. ., Kit, A. ., Poels, Y. ., Wiesen, S. ., Menkovski, V. ., Frassinetti, L. ., … Contributors, J. . (2024). Representation learning algorithms for inferring machine independent latent features in pedestals in JET and AUG. Physics of Plasmas, 31(3), 032508. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0177005
Solano, E. ., Birkenmeier, G. ., Silva, C. ., Delabie, E. ., Hillesheim, J. ., Baciero, A. ., … Contributors, J. . (2023). L-H transition studies in tritium and deuterium–tritium campaigns at JET with Be wall and W divertor. Nuclear Fusion, 63(11), 112011. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/acee12
Garcia, J. ., Casson, F. ., Frassinetti, L. ., Gallart, D. ., Garzotti, L. ., Kim, H. ., … Contributors, J. . (2023). Modelling performed for predictions of fusion power in JET DTE2: overview and lessons learnt. Nuclear Fusion, 63(11), 112003. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/acedc0
Kim, H. ., Auriemma, F. ., Ferreira, J. ., Gabriellini, S. ., Ho, A. ., Huynh, P. ., … Contributors, J. . (2023). Validation of D-T fusion power prediction capability against 2021 JET D-T experiments. Nuclear Fusion, 63(11), 112004. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ace26d
Hobirk, J. ., Challis, C. ., Kappatou, A. ., Lerche, E. ., Keeling, D. ., King, D. ., … Contributors, J. . (2023). The JET hybrid scenario in Deuterium, Tritium and Deuterium-Tritium. Nuclear Fusion, 63(11), 112001. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/acde8d
Snoep, G. ., Koenders, J. T., Bourdelle, C. ., Citrin, J. ., & Contributors, J. . (2023). Improved flux-surface parameterization through constrained nonlinear optimization. Physics of Plasmas, 30(6), 063906. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0145001
Gabriellini, S. ., Garzotti, L. ., Zotta, V. ., Bourdelle, C. ., Casson, F. ., Citrin, J. ., … Contributors, J. . (2023). Neon seeding effects on two high-performance baseline plasmas on the Joint European Torus. Nuclear Fusion, 63(8), 086025. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ace2d7
Marin, M. ., Citrin, J. ., Giroud, C. ., Bourdelle, C. ., Camenen, Y. ., Garzotti, L. ., … Contributors, J. . (2023). Integrated modelling of Neon impact on JET H-mode core plasmas. Nuclear Fusion, 63(1), 016019. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/aca469
Tala, T. ., Eriksson, F. ., Mantica, P. ., Mariani, A. ., Salmi, A. ., Solano, E. ., … Contributors, J. . (2022). Role of NBI fuelling in contributing to density peaking between the ICRH and NBI identity plasmas on JET. Nuclear Fusion, 62(6), 066008. https://doi.org/10.1088/1741-4326/ac5667