Multi-machine benchmark of the self-consistent 1D scrape-off layer model DIV1D from stagnation point to target with SOLPS-ITER
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Abstract |
This paper extends DIV1D, a 1D dynamic physics-based model of the scrape-off layer plasma, to include the core scrape-off layer (SOL) and possibly a second target. The extended model is benchmarked on 1D mapped SOLPS-ITER simulations to find input settings for DIV1D that allow it to describe SOL plasmas from upstream to target – calibrating it on a scenario and device basis. The benchmark shows a quantitative match between DIV1D and 1D mapped SOLPS-ITER profiles for the heat flux, electron temperature, and electron density within roughly 50% on: (1) the Tokamak á Configuration Variable (TCV) for a gas puff scan; (2) a single SOLPS-ITER simulation of the Upgraded Mega Ampère Spherical Tokamak (MAST-U); and (3) the ASDEX-Upgrade Tokamak (AUG) for a simultaneous scan in heating power and gas puff. Once calibrated, DIV1D self-consistently describes dependencies of the SOL solution on core fluxes and external neutral gas densities for a density scan on TCV whereas a varying scrape-off layer width is used in DIV1D for AUG to match a simultaneous change in power and density. The ability to calibrate DIV1D on a scenario and device basis is enabled by accounting for cross field transport with an effective flux expansion factor and by allowing neutrals to be exchanged between scrape-off layer and adjacent domains. |
Year of Publication |
Journal |
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion
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Alternate Journal |
Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion
Label |
Journal Article
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