PhD defense Tijs Wijkamp: Multispectral imaging for the mitigation of tokamak damage by plasma exhaust and runaway electrons

DIFFER researcher Tijs Wijkamp will defend his PhD thesis titled: 'Multispectral imaging for the mitigation of tokamak damage by plasma exhaust and runaway electrons'.

  • Date: 22 March 2024, 13:30h
  • Location: Campus TU/e, Atlas building 0.710 (max. 80 visitors)
  • Promotoren: Roger Jaspers (1e) & Marco de Baar (2e)
  • Co-promotor: Ivo Classen


Multispectral-imaging has proven to be an immensely valuable source of information on the energy and particle dissipation processes at play between a hot fusion plasma and the reactor-wall. In this research, a MANTIS system (developed by DIFFER/EPFL/MIT) was used to study alternative tokamak exhaust solutions for limiting the heat-load on the plasma wall at UKAEA’s MAST-U experiment. The super-X configuration appears to be doing the job of cooling off the exhaust plasma even better than hoped for. Furthermore, MANTIS system’s at SPC’s TCV experiment were used to demonstrate a new method for determining the energy and location of so-called ‘runaway electrons’. This will help to assess the effectiveness of mitigation strategies aimed at limiting the damage that these relativistically fast electrons can do tokamak-reactors.

Read more on the TU/e website.

TU/e: Atlas 0.710
Tijs Wijkamp

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