

DIFFER news item
24 March 2014
How to reduce the energy demand in the sectors transport, built environment and industry? That was the topic of the TU/e Energy Day co-organized by DIFFER in Eindhoven on March 19th 2015.
DIFFER news item
24 March 2015
The FOM institutes AMOLF and DIFFER are consolidating their expertise in nanophotonics and energy research in a new strategic FOM programme. The programme can make an important contribution to the development of sustainable solar fuel cells and has a budget of 1.5 million euros.
DIFFER news item
On Tuesday 3 March 2015, the first bulk transport moved equipment from DIFFER's current Nieuwegein building to the new site in Eindhoven. On board were furniture for the workshop's storage and the first components of DIFFER's main experimental facility Magnum-PSI, which investigates wall materials for future fusion power plants.
DIFFER news item
In the journal Plasma Processes and Polymers, plasma researcher Sergey Starostin and his colleagues at Fujifilm Research and DIFFER demonstrate the viability of a new technique to deposit functional foils.