Research teams at DIFFER have been awarded two of the eight research grants in the NWO programme Solar to Products. This 4.2 million Euro programme aims to stimulate joint public-private research into transforming sustainable energy into chemical bonds. The research will lead to long-lasting, high energy density fuels without net CO2 production.
In the two research projects, DIFFER will team up with Shell to investigate CO2 valorisation in biogas by Solar driven Plasma Reforming (Michael Gleeson and Gerard van Rooij), and Vibrationally stimulated electro-fuel production in a proton conducting solid oxide electrolysis cell (Michail Tsampas, Stefan Welzel and Richard van de Sanden).
Full list of granted projects
(Project leader (Institute) - Private partner(s) - Titel
• Dr. F. Branco dos Santos (UvA) - Photanol - Darwin's path towards sustainability: Exploring evolutionarily stable strategies in engineered biosolar cell factories
• Dr. F. Buda (UL) - SCM - Design and optimization of a photoanode for solar fuel production
• Prof. dr. G. Mul (UT) - Abengoa Research - Photo Thermocatalytic conversion of CO2 and H2O to methanol
• Prof. dr. G. Mul (UT) - TNO en Shell - Electrochemical reduction of CO2 to ethylene
• Prof. dr. J.N.H. Reek (UvA) - Merck - Redox Mediators in Dye-sensitized Photoelectrochemical Cells for CO2-reduction
• Prof. dr. ir. G. van Rooij (DIFFER) - Shell / HoSt - CO2 valorisation in biogas by Solar driven Plasma Reforming
• Prof. dr. ir. M.C.M. van de Sanden (DIFFER) - Shell - Vibrationally stimulated electro-fuel production in a proton conducting solid oxide electrolysis cell
• Dr. W.A. Smith (TUD) - Shell - An integrated device to directly convert sunlight, water, and CO2 to syngas
More about Solar to Products
The Solar to Products programme is a joint research programme by NWO-CW and FOM in collaboration with the Top Sectors Chemistry and Energy, and the Topconsortium for Knowledge & Innovation BioBased Economy.
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