CCER opening event 21 June

Published on May 19, 2017

On June 21st, 2017 the joint TU/e-DIFFER Center for Computational Energy Research (CCER) will be officially opened. The CCER aims to explore pathways to future energy systems via computational methods. The ambition is to complement experimental research in unlocking scalable energy solutions for mid-century and beyond.


Registration for the CCER opening event has closed.


The CCER opening event will take place at DIFFER, address TU/e Science Park, De Zaale 20, 5612 AJ Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The various ways to reach DIFFER (bike, car, public transport...) are listed on the DIFFER contact page. Please feel free to forward this invitation to any people you think may be interested in attending this event.


The program will be chaired by Laetitia Ouillet MSc MA, Director of the TU/e Strategic Area (SA) Energy.

13:00 - 13:30 Checking in
13:30 - 13:40 Welcome by Dr.Ir. Vianney Koelman, scientific director CCER
13:40 - 14:00 Official opening by Prof.dr.ir. Frank Baaijens, rector magnificus of TU/e and Prof.dr. Wim van den Doel, Executive Board NWO
14:00-14:15 Opening address by ir. Diederik Samsom, former MP and champion and advocate of the Dutch Climate Bill
14:15-14:40 Keynote address by:
  • Prof.dr. Frank Jenko (Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching)
    Fusion Energy Research Driven by Exascale Computing
14:40-15:00 Musical intermezzo, by Tuna Ciudad de Luz
15:00-16:15 Keynote addresses by:
  • Prof.dr. Evert Jan Meijer (Van 't Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences, University of Amsterdam)
    Discovering the Molecular Basis for Clean Energy Production
  • Prof.dr. Detlef Lohse (Physics of Fluids, University of Twente)
    Ultimate Rayleigh-Benard and Taylor-Couette turbulence: Lessons from experiments and numerical simulations
  • Dr. Dirk Smit (Shell Chief Scientist for Geophysics)
    Computational Research in the Energy Industry
16:15 - 17:00 Drinks and posters


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