This repository provides DIFFER's research output which contains journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, PhD theses and other materials published since 1985.
Group references by:Year (default) or Reference Type Displaying 1 - 25 of 3724
K.T.A.L. Burm, D.C. Schram, W. J. Goedheer, P. Fauchais, J. VanDerMullen, J. Heberlein
,Plasma expansion waves in the pre-shock region , Heat and Mass Transfer under Plasma Conditions
, 891 (1999) 309-316, DOI
Y. I. Chutov, W. J. Goedheer, O . Y. Kravchenko, V. M. Zuz, M. Yan, R. Martins, I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, G. Kroesen
,Radio frequency discharge with dust particles , Plasma Processing and Dusty Particles
, 382 (2000) 69-79
R. Keppens, M. Nool, P. A. Zegeling, J. P. Goedbloed, M. Bubak, R. Williams, H. Afsarmanesh, B. Hertzberger
,Dynamic grid adaptation for computational magnetohydrodynamics , High Performance Computing and Networking, Proceedings
, 1823 (2000) 61-70