

Seminars at DIFFER cover a wide range of topics and are held on Thursdays at 11.15 AM in the seminar room of the institute (unless otherwise stated). Seminars are open to everybody. If you are interested in visiting a DIFFER seminar or want to subscribe to our mailing list, please follow the instructions for external visitors.

Seminar, to
DIFFER event
Metal halide perovskites have attracted enormous attention in the scientific community in recent years. This attention has been drawn by breakthroughs in perovskite optoelectronics, mainly in photovoltaics and LEDs.
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
The development of robust and inexpensive semiconducting materials that operate at high efficiency are needed to make the direct solar-to-fuel energy conversion by photoelectrochemical (PEC) cells economically viable.
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
The southernmost continent holds much appeal for a variety of reasons. One century ago, visiting its icy shores posed a great challenge, while whales and seals were exploited as a natural resource. Today, Antarctica's fascinating but fragile ecosystem is embattled amidst climate change and the threat of its ores being extracted once the Antarctic Treaty may expire in 2041.
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
Renewable power sources like solar and wind energy are intermittent, and this is associated with a number of challenges regarding balancing demand and supply of electricity. Generally, considering a year’s period, there are timeframes with excess power and with a shortage. A complication is that different timescales play a role in the balancing challenge. Energy storage is a way to solve this.
Seminar, to
DIFFER event
> This seminar will be rescheduled in 2020