

The Ion Beam Facility has seven beamlines, of which three are in use. Beamline 1 is linked to Magnum-PSI allowing for in situ world’s highest plasma-flux exposure and ion beam analysis of (near) surface composition. Beamline 5 leads to Upgraded Pilot-PSI (UPP) allowing for in situ and operando studies of materials under mid-flux plasma exposure. Beamline 7 goes to an ex situ ion beam analysis chamber called IBAS. The tables below show the parameters of the three chambers in use. Final parameters depend on the combination of energy, ions, target, setup, techniques and the experience of the experimentalist.

Ion Beam Facility - seven beamlines
The seven beamlines of the Ion Beam Facility. (c) DIFFER/Bart van Overbeeke

Beamline 1: Magnum-PSI / TEAC

The beamline directly connected to the linear plasma device Magnum-PSI allows for in vacuo determination of the chemical composition and changes in the near surface of materials as a result of plasma exposure. After plasma exposure, the target can be retracted under vacuum into the Target Exchange and Analysis Chamber (TEAC) and analyzed with surface analysis equipment.

Magnum-PSI / TEAC parameters
Techniques* RBS, NRA
Mode In situ
Temp. range Room temperature
Vacuum 1 x 10-6 mbar

Beamline 5: Upgraded Pilot-PSI (UPP)

The beamline connected to the Upgraded Pilot-PSI (UPP) facility enables in situ and operando studies of materials under extreme conditions in energy systems.

Upgraded Pilot-PSI (UPP) parameters
Techniques*  RBS, NRA
Mode In operando
Temp. range Room temperature
Vacuum 1 x 10-6 mbar


Beamline 7: ion beam analysis (IBAS)

The beamline connected to a local, in-house user station is an ion beam analysis station (IBAS) that allows for interactive development of novel materials. This user station will be updated in 2023.

 Ion beam analysis (IBAS) parameters
  IBAS (current) IBAS (updated)
Mode Ex situ Ex situ, in situ (vacuum suitcase)
Temp. range Room temperature -150 oC to +1100 oC
Temp. fluctuations   ± 5 oC
Temp. control   2 thermocouples
Max current 80 µA 80 µA
Irradiation area 0.1 to 2 cm2 0.1 to 4 cm2
Vacuum 1 x 10-7 mbar 1 x 10-8 mbar
Max sample size 75 cm2 1200 cm2

* Read more about the techniques at our special webpage.