

Hannah Tipping working on Magnum-PSI
Part of DIFFER’s strategy is to open up our facilities to more users. Successful international collaborations are important to achieve this and to bring future energy a step closer. This spring University of Bristol’s second year PhD student Hannah Tipping visited DIFFER to do experiments using Magnum-PSI.
Gijs Derks
The cruise control of a nuclear fusion reactor, what is it? And what does it take to make it work properly? It has been the focus of Gijs Derks, PhD student at DIFFER in the research teams of Egbert Westerhof and Matthijs van Berkel, already for two years.
Hans Vullers, Leon Römers en Anton van den Bogaard
At DIFFER, we have unique facilities for energy and materials research. Designing and making them is in the hands of an experienced team of researchers, mechanical engineers and technicians. A challenging process where collaboration is the key to success. Time to find out more about the place where (part of) the DIFFER facilities arise.
Dutch Fusion Day 2024
On Friday 3 May 2024, the first edition of the Dutch Fusion Day will take place in Eindhoven. A brand new event, organized by DIFFER, EIRES (TU/e) and ILO-net. 
France 2030
DIFFER partner Thorizon has been included in the French government’s nuclear innovation program called France 2030. In addition to the grant, the program provides access to expertise in nuclear research, European legislation, and business development.