

DIFFER news item
From 20 to 24 May 2019, DIFFER will host PFMC-17, the 17th International Conference on Plasma-Facing Materials and Components for Fusion Applications. PFMC brings together around 250 international students and experts on materials capable of handling the extreme conditions in future fusion devices and power plants.
DIFFER news item
On June 21st, 2017 the joint TU/e-DIFFER Center for Computational Energy Research (CCER) will be officially opened. The CCER aims to explore pathways to future energy systems via computational methods. The ambition is to complement experimental research in unlocking scalable energy solutions for mid-century and beyond.
DIFFER news item
In a newly granted European research project together with scientists from the Netherlands, Poland and Spain, DIFFER will develop advanced multi-scale modelling of the processes in photo-electrochemical systems. The goal of this M-ERA.NET  project: understanding the mechanisms that limit the conversion of sunlight into fuels and to optimize artificial leaves towards highest performance.
DIFFER news item
On Wednesday 5 April 2017, DIFFER organised the workshop Renewable Energy Driven Chemistry.
DIFFER news item
Promovendus Stein van Eden uit het DIFFER-fusieprogramma krijgt de prijs voor het beste NEVAC-artikel 2017 uitgereikt. In het blad van de Nederlandse Vacuümvereniging beschrijft Van Eden een bolometer om de energie te bepalen die een fusieplasma in de vorm van licht uitstraalt.