PSFD research group news

PSFD research group news

DIFFER news item
An international team of researchers, including scientists from DIFFER, present a plasma-based way to produce and separate oxygen within the Martian environment. They published their findings in the Journal of Applied Physics (open access).
DIFFER news item
Alex van de Steeg (DIFFER en TU/e) heeft in kaart gebracht welke reacties optreden wanneer CO2 in andere moleculen wordt gesplitst bij temperaturen die heter zijn dan het oppervlak van de zon. Hij promoveerde onlangs cum laude.
DIFFER news item
Alex van de Steeg (DIFFER and TU/e) mapped CO2 plasmas to figure out the reactions at play when CO2 splits into other molecules at temperatures hotter than the surface of the sun. Recently he obtained his PhD cum laude.
DIFFER news item
To make an impact on society with their work on electrolysers for hydrogen production, DIFFER collaborates with EIRES researchers and industrial manufacturer VDL Groep in a project funded by the Brabant Development Agency (BOM). Marius Ponten, Director of Special Projects at VDL Groep: ‘Learning by doing is the fastest route to innovation.’
DIFFER news item
DIFFER and Leiden University receive about € 850,000 from NWO’s Open Technology Program for building a new type of plasma reactor.