The second phase of JET operation with the ITER-like wall
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Abstract |
The first priority for the 2013 JET campaigns will be to provide relevant data for the ITER decision on the day one divertor material selection. In particular, a tungsten melt experiment using a specially modified divertor module will study the characteristics and impact of edge localised mode (ELM) induced melting on plasma operation—only JET has large enough ELMs to perform such a test. The second priority is to better understand why the change to an all metal wall has restricted access to scenarios with high normalized energy confinement ( H -factor). This unexpected result may be partly due to the impact of the higher fuelling needed to control tungsten levels but in some scenarios there is also an effect related to the loss of a beneficial effect of carbon as a plasma impurity. In parallel with pushing JET's core plasma parameters as close as possible to those in ITER, we also intend to develop ITER demonstration pulses including as many of ITER's requirements as possible but not focusing on core performance. Another high priority item is the study of the generation and mitigation of runaway electrons which are so far not created in JET disruptions but are potentially very challenging for JET and ITER. Finally, there is still important work to be continued on key plasma–wall interaction issues ranging from material migration to fuel removal studies. |
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Physica Scripta
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Phys. Scr.
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