

DIFFER news item
Buildings, transportation, industry, ICT, consumer behaviour, energy storage, solar / wind / bio energy, CO2 capture and storage, and more. The transition to a sustainable and secure energy supply is one of the grand global challenges for society this century.
DIFFER news item
Gebouwen, vervoer, industrie, ICT, gebruikersgedrag, energieopslag, zonne-energie, windenergie, bio-energie, CO2-vastlegging en meer. De energietransitie is een van de grootste veranderingen in deze eeuw en kent vele aspecten.
DIFFER news item
DIFFER's facility Magnum-PSI produced its first plasma on Wednesday 8 June 2016, a major milestone in the relocation of this unique experiment for fusion wall materials. Magnum-PSI will be fully operational again at the end of 2016, and is the only laboratory setup in the world capable of investigating candidate materials under the realistic conditions for future fusion experiments like ITER.
DIFFER news item
Professor C.C.A.M. (Stan) Gielen will become chair of the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) with effect from 1 January 2017. NWO is currently undergoing major changes. The governance and organisation will become more streamlined and coherent.