DIFFER Publications

DIFFER Publications

This repository provides DIFFER's research output which contains journal articles, conference proceedings and papers, PhD theses and other materials published since 1985.

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A. Iantchenko, M.J. Pueschel, S. Brunner, S. Coda , Gyrokinetic turbulence modeling of a high performance scenario in JT-60SA , Nucl. Fusion , 64 (2024) 026005 ,Open Access , DOI
T.A. Wijkamp, M. Hoppe, J. Decker, B.P. Duval, A. Perek, U. Sheikh, I.G. J. Classen, R.J. E. Jaspers, TCV team , Resonant interaction between runaway electrons and the toroidal magnetic field ripple in TCV , Nucl. Fusion , 64 (2024) 016021 ,Open Access , DOI
P.P. Kunturu, M. Lavorenti, S. Bera, H. Johnson, S. Kinge, M.C. M. van de Sanden, M.N. Tsampas , Scaling up BiVO4 Photoanodes on Ti Porous Transport Layers for Solar Hydrogen Production , ChemSusChem , 16 (2024) e202300969 ,Open Access , DOI
P.T. Lang, M. van Berkel, W. Biel, T.O.S.J. Bosman, P. David, C. Day, E. Fable, L. Giannone, M. Griener, T. Giegerich , et al. , Targeting a Versatile Actuator for EU-DEMO: Real Time Monitoring of Pellet Delivery to Facilitate Burn Control , Fusion Sci. Technol. , 80 (2024) 26-37 ,Open Access , DOI


O. Biondi, C.F. A. M. van Deursen, A. Hughes, A.W. van de Steeg, W.A. Bongers, M.C. M. van de Sanden, G.J. van Rooij, A. Bogaerts , Avoiding solid carbon deposition in plasma-based dry reforming of methane , Green Chem. , 25 (2023) 10485-10497, DOI
N.P. Prasad, M. Rohnke, M.A. Verheijen, J.M. Sturm, J.P. Hofmann, J.M. Hensen, A. Bieberle-Hütter , Role of Excess Bi on the Properties and Performance of BiFeO3 Thin-Film Photocathodes , ACS Appl. Energy Mater. , 6 (2023) 12237-12248 ,Open Access , DOI
E. Fransson, A. Gillgren, A. Ho, J. Borsander, O. Lindberg, W. Rieck, M. Aqvist, P. Strand , A fast neural network surrogate model for the eigenvalues of QuaLiKiz , Phys. Plasmas , 30 (2023) 123904 ,Open Access , DOI
S.C. Wang, M. van Kampen, T. W. Morgan , Promotion of plasma-induced deuterium uptake of ruthenium films by monolayer-thick tin layers , ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 15 (2023) 57769–57782 ,Open Access , 2023_5760.pdf , DOI
X. Ma, R. Ollearo, B.T. van Gorkom, C.H. L. Weijtens, M. Fattori, S.C. J. Meskers, A.J. J. M. van Breemen, R.A. J. Janssen, G.H. Gelinck , Origin and Energy of Intra-Gap States in Sensitive Near-Infrared Organic Photodiodes , Adv. Funct. Mater. , 33 (2023) 2304863 ,Open Access , DOI
A. Ranade, M. Lao, R.H. M. Timmer, E. Zoethout, H.J. N. van Eck, M.N. Tsampas , Plasma-Driven Synthesis of Self-Supported Nickel-Iron Nanostructures for Water Electrolysis , Adv. Mater. Interfaces , 10 (2023) 2300486 ,Open Access , DOI
S. Haghverdi Khamene, C. van Helvoirt, M.N. Tsampas, A. Creatore , Electrochemical Activation of Atomic-Layer-Deposited Nickel Oxide for Water Oxidation , J. Phys. Chem. C , 127 (2023) 22570-22582 ,Open Access , DOI
M. Yoshikawa, J. Kohagura, Y. Shima, Y. Nakashima, N. Ezumi, R. Minami, R. Yasuhara, I. Yamada, H. Funaba, H.J. van der Meiden , et al. , Development of dual-path multi-pass Thomson scattering system in GAMMA 10/PDX , J. Instrum. , 18 (2023) C10006, DOI
R.J.J. Mackenbach, J.H.E. Proll, G. Snoep, P. Helander , Available energy of trapped electrons in Miller tokamak equilibria , J. Plasma Phys. , 89 (2023) 905890522 ,Open Access , DOI
E. Yildirim, P. Mummery, T. W. Morgan, E. Jimenez-Melero , Delayed surface degradation in W-Ta alloys at 400° C under high-fluence 40 eV He plasma exposure , Fusion Eng. Des. , 197 (2023) 114061 ,Open Access , DOI
A. Burckhart, A. Bock, R. Fischer, T. Putterich, J. Stober, S. Gunter, A. Gude, J. Hobirk, M. Holzl, I. Krebs , et al. , Experimental evidence of magnetic flux pumping in ASDEX Upgrade , Nucl. Fusion , 63 (2023) 126056 ,Open Access , DOI
B. Tripathi, P.W. Terry, A.E. Fraser, E.G. Zweibel, M.J. Pueschel , Three-dimensional shear-flow instability saturation via stable modes , Phys. Fluids , 35 (2023) 105151 ,Open Access , DOI
J. P. Goedbloed, R. Keppens, S. Poedts , Leaky modes in coronal magnetic flux tubes revisited , J. Plasma Phys. , 89 (2023) 905890520 ,Open Access , DOI
P. Mulholland, K. Aleynikova, B.J. Faber, M.J. Pueschel, J.H.E. Proll, C.C. Hegna, P.W. Terry, C. Nührenberg , Enhanced transport at high plasma pressure and subthreshold kinetic ballooning modes in Wendelstein 7-X , Phys. Rev. Lett. , 131 (2023) 185101 ,Open Access , DOI
Y. Li, J. Hou, V. Shah, Y. Huang, J.A. W. van Dommelen, W.J. Lu, Q. Zhu, T. W. Morgan , Amorphous and anisotropic surface relief formation in tungsten under repeated high-flux hydrogen plasma loads , Nucl. Mater. Energy , 37 (2023) 101544 ,Open Access , DOI
E.R. Solano, G. Birkenmeier, C. Silva, E. Delabie, J.C. Hillesheim, A. Baciero, I. Balboa, M. Baruzzo, A. Boboc, A. Ho , et al. , L-H transition studies in tritium and deuterium–tritium campaigns at JET with Be wall and W divertor , Nucl. Fusion , 63 (2023) 112011 ,Open Access , DOI
J. Garcia, F.J. Casson, L. Frassinetti, D. Gallart, L. Garzotti, H.T. Kim, M. Nocente, S. Saarelma, F. Auriemma, A. Ho , et al. , Modelling performed for predictions of fusion power in JET DTE2: overview and lessons learnt , Nucl. Fusion , 63 (2023) 112003 ,Open Access , DOI
H.T. Kim, F. Auriemma, J. Ferreira, S. Gabriellini, A. Ho, P. Huynh, K. Kirov, R. Lorenzini, M. Marin, J. Citrin , et al. , Validation of D-T fusion power prediction capability against 2021 JET D-T experiments , Nucl. Fusion , 63 (2023) 112004 ,Open Access , DOI
J. Hobirk, C.D. Challis, A. Kappatou, E. Lerche, D. Keeling, D. King, S. Aleiferis, E. Alessi, J. Citrin, A. Ho , et al. , The JET hybrid scenario in Deuterium, Tritium and Deuterium-Tritium , Nucl. Fusion , 63 (2023) 112001 ,Open Access , DOI
T.O.S.J. Bosman, F. Kochl, A. Ho, M.R. de Baar, D. Krishnamoorthy, M. van Berkel , Integrated model control simulations of the electron density profile and the implications of using multiple hybrid pellet injectors for control , Nucl. Fusion , 63 (2023) 126047 ,Open Access , DOI
C. Angioni, J. Citrin, A. Loarte, A. Polevoi, S.H. Kim, E. Fable, G. Tardini , Determining the access to H-mode in the ITER pre-fusion and fusion power operation phases at low plasma current with full-radius TGLF-SAT2 simulations of L-mode plasmas , Nucl. Fusion , 63 (2023) 126035 ,Open Access , DOI